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Department Structure


Library Entrance


Welcome to SAWC Library


Stack Room














Reference Section



















The reference section contains general reference like Dictionaries, Encyclopedia’s, Year Books, Directories, Gazetteers, Handbooks, Manuals etc., and Subject Reference Books, Books on Competitive, Entrance Exams, Career development and Personality Development. The books are mainly meant for in-house academic reference.

Periodical Section













It maintains 12 subscribed periodicals. The current research information can be accessed through these resources and apart from this more than 8000 e-journals can be accessed on-line through UGC- INFONET.


Circulation Section


















Registration of membership, issue of bar-coded ID cards, Issue and Return of books to the members, Reservation of documents, Over due reminders, No Dues, due charges if any will be taken care by this unit. Circulation process is fully automated with barcode technology and web enabled OPAC.

Acquisition & Technical Section














Compilation of requirements from the departments, Ordering of Books, Accessioning, Classification, Indexing and Processing of books are the responsibilities of this unit. It also develops bibliographic database of books and other resources.

Newspaper  Section













Digital Library



















This Section of the Sree Abiraami Arts and Science College for Women Library provides access to a range of e-resources and web based Information services including mobile technologies. A few of the notable products and services are the multimedia resources access on different subjects pertinent to the university research interest using DSpace and GSDL. In addition to the scholarly and archived web resources, the Digital Library provides on-line access to College resources viz.. College News Clippings, Speeches Delivered by Vice-Chancellor, Video Clippings of Academic events,  and Question Bank.  This Digital library also provides access to a range of  CD/DVD resources on Academic, Training, Research, Placement needs and for Competitive Examinations of National and International level.

The Stack room is located at the left side of the 1st floor that facilitates lending of books to the users.

The stack has been well organized, maintained and arranged using Dewey Decimal Classification for easy retrieval.

Contact Me

The Librarian

Sree Abiraami Arts and Science Womens College

Kadpati Main Road





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